
Smoke-free home, more lovely family - MUYE World No Tobacco Day event feedback
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Time:2018-08-19 1458 Share

    The group's activities were held on May 31, 2018. The event took 1 hour and was divided into three parts: the knowledge quiz, the individual skipping competition, and the team competition. 

    The number of participants in the activity program improvement feedback reached 31, of which 29 were participants in the event. More than 60% of the respondents indicated that they had participated in such cultural activities of the group. The satisfaction rate of this event was over 90%, and 35.5% of the respondents considered this event as the best one they attended.

    According to the statistics of the scene, based on the gender situation, female respondents mostly said that they never smoked. Half of the male respondents said they never smoked, and four male respondents said they had quitted smoking. The other male respondents said that they only smoked on specific occasions, and six said they were smoking. The number of cigarettes per day is more than 10, and the longest smoke age is 15 years.

    According to age, more than half of the respondents in the 20-30 age group indicated that they have become addicts, most of whom are affected by family smoking. Among the male respondents aged between 31 and 40, 50% of the respondents never smoked, and 30% of the respondents had successful experiences in quitting smoking. Among them, only two people said that they have a long smoking age, and the daily smoking amount is about 10, and their smoking is largely due to the influence of the family, that is, 2-3 family members of their family members have a smoking history.

    It is popular in young male employees of MUYE Group to smoke, and they have not yet been consciously engaged in effective smoking cessation activities. The smoking ban education for young smokers should start with awareness rising, such as playing health videos in smoking rooms, smoking hazard films. For the elderly, most of them have a sense of avoidance, so their smoking ban should start with behavioral guidance, such as limiting the number of cigarettes carried, etc.

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